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Posted on 2024, May 30th by Satoshi Katada

Upcoming Posidonia Exhibition

Posidonia, one of Europe's biggest maritime exhibitions, held in Greece next week. MOL Techno-Trade of MOL Group will be exhibiting and will be introducing and selling the PBCF and wind propulsion equipment, so please come and visit them.

In particular, PBCF (propeller boss cap fin) is a product developed and put into practical use with the participation of MOL. This product reduces fuel consumption by approximately 3-5% and has already been installed on more than 4,000 ships.

MOL has also put into practical use a hard-winged wind propulsion device called the "Wind Challenger".

We look forward to your visit, and if you are interested, please let us know through MOL Turkey and we will arrange an interview with the person in charge of MOL Techno Trade.

I will visit Posidonia on 5th Jun and attend "Japan Night" on the same day. If possible, see you in Athens!