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Posted on 2024, May 16th by Satoshi Katada

Japanese Embassy Visit with Albayrak

I visited Japanese Ambassador Mr.Takahiko Katsumata along with Mr.Harun Oncu/Logistc Director of Albayrak, who participated as a speaker at the Japan-Turkiye/ Corporation for Africa Dialogue Webinar held this month sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Albayrak is a company that operates businesses such as ports and garbage collection and processing in African countries where it is difficult for Japanese companies to invest.I previously met with them at a conference promoting cooperative relations between Turkiye and Africa.

I think it would be very interesting to see collaboration between a brave company like Albayrak and a Japanese company.

We believe that improving connectivity within the African region is most important for the future development of the African Free Trade Area and that the development of logistics, shipping, ports, roads, railways, etc. is essential. I would be happy if we could collaborate in such fields in the future. . .